How it all began
The overreaching, iron-fist of the Galactic Imperium Organization (GIO) has become an absolute nightmare. All trade, exchanges, income, and property from local or distance galaxies must be approved by the GIO.
After the corrupt governmental entity takes ‘their share’, basically nothing is leftover for the hard-working space explorers.
In order for the small outlying communities to survive, a dedicated group of men and women have vowed to secure resources for themselves and their communities. Some call them heroes and others call them Traitors. But most just call them the Outlaw Troopers.
Your mission is to grab some of these troopers and start gathering as many resources as you can. Build your very own Outlaw Trooper Empire today!
Battle through challenging encounters
Once you have leveled up your trooper and upgraded your ship with powerful gears it is time to take on a dangerous encounter!
Encounters are real-time combat based instances which feature a variety of game mechanics such as prison break, boss battles, tower defense and more!

Send your troopers on missions
Go on a heist mission to stock up on credits! How about a hijacking mission to steal some ore from transporter ships? You decide!
When you go on your mission, be sure to pick the best ship for the job! Upgrade to ships from the Cosmic Clash game for max potential!

Craftable Gear NFTs
Season 1

Planet NFTs
New Game Mode + Strategies
New Gears
Season 3

More to come...
Q4 2022
Collection Created
Pack Drop
Q4 2022

Season 2
Multiplayer PVP
Multiplayer PVE
Self Hosted Events
Official Events
New Gears

Expand to more blockchains!
More gears, more strategies to master
In-Game FGL Shop
In-Game Chat System
And much more!

Build your Outlaw Empire
Outlaw Troopers is the latest play-and-own game on the WAX blockchain to use the FGL token.
Send your troopers on missions to collect credits, gears and ore! Complete dangerous encounters to rank up on the leaderboard and win big prizes! Build the most powerful Outlaw Empire.

Improve your results with gears
Collect and craft powerful gears to use on your missions. Want some better results from your missions? Apply some grunt gears improving cargo capacity, reducing mission cost, and more! Would you like to perform better in encounters?
Look for tactician gears to boost your ships shields, armor and weapon power! Finally if you are looking for special abilities in your encounters, check out the powerful power gears! Summon a wingman to watch your back, become immune from all damage for a time, and much more!

The FGL Metaverse
Outlaw troopers is part of the FGL Metaverse! Upgrade your ships from the basic virtual trooper ships to powerful Cosmic Clash ships for big bonuses! Earn the FGL token by winning fun encounters + climbing the leaderboard!
The FGL Token is used across the entire FGL NFT Game portfolio, including Cosmic Clash, Mecha World and the upcoming Nifty Fish. By giving the token more use across multiple games in the WAX ecosystem, the token holds stable value and longevity.

Tap ship to upgrade
Hover mouse to upgrade ship